- Lost your Job
- Health Challenges impeding on a new job
- They dropped your health care
- Pressured on which bills are priority
- Mortgage is now 60 to 90 days late
- Struggling to qualify for a loan because your credit score is falling fast
- So many other reasons, these are just a few
Every homeowner and house has a different/unique situation. It all boils down to there’s just not enough cash flow; hence you’re facing Foreclosure.
Our Team has the Solution for you that can throw out a life raft for the particular challenge you are facing. Whether it’s due to the main income earner that Dies or becomes Disabled, or you inherited a home with tenants who now take advantage of this and absolutely will not leave the house; they need to be evicted, but you live in another state and can’t deal with all of what’s happening due to your daily demands. Hard to believe this actually happens, but it does.
We Offer different solutions that most companies only deal with 1 or maybe 2 of these issues. Because, all they do is low ball you and scream “Fast Cash for you Home”… “Fast Cash” Fast Cash”.
We can buy your home cash (also Fair Fast Cash for your home) or we can leverage your equity in your home; maybe this can help…. where we buy back your home with arrangements for you to remain in the home; to name a few. Now, when the Homeowner is not realistic about the situation, or is in total denial. Their bad decision turns into a losing decision and they lose the home to Foreclosure and end up getting a big fat Zero Dollar; that’s $0.
No more Home including and also Gone is the Offer “Fast Cash for your House”!!! This will, and does happen to the Homeowner that is not realistic about the situation, or in total denial. We’ve seen and heard this happening to these folks across the US on a monthly basis.
We meet face to face by appointment to have an open discussion on your situation, we verify you are the actual Homeowner. Fraud is the reason we must Verify. Homeowner Fraud AKA squatters and Title Fraud will be another topic of discussion at a later date.
To call for an appointment use 833.244.2265. You will be directed to either Mr. Graham or Ms. Stephens